Today, my mom gave me two kiwi fruits, and told me not to eat the skin because its bad for you, so I decided to do some research. I found, and I quote:
"Kiwi fruit skin contains high levels of flavonoids, insoluble fibre and antioxidants: these substances all have a beneficial effect on your body's metabolic functions (flavonoids and antioxidants) and on your digestive system and cardiovascular apparatus (insoluble fiber)."
So there you have it. Kiwis are healthier with the skin on. The antioxidants make your own skin better... and I think flavonoids help reduce cancer risks.
Also, the second most healthiest part is directly under the skin (as with most fruit), which is lost when the skin is removed.
So take everyone *finger up*.
hey andy! thx for commenting on my blog!! :D i guess i aint the only one who rants much in my blog. haha! n btw, i find the kiwi skin rather hard to eat with all that "fur".. haha!