Today I ordered my Scotch whisky. It is a limited edition (229 bottles) Bowmore 21 year old Old Malt Cask Selection... distilled Summer 1987. It cost £100 (which by my standards is a lot), but I think it is worth it. I will explain why...
I have a big ageing complex. I have always hated the thought of getting old, and plan on never dieing (it is a possibility... in the next 60 years we could have the technology). Anyway... the whisky coincides with my birth, matured for 21 years, then shall stay the same, without changing. I will only drink it on special occasions, such as getting married, having children, etc. I will perhaps have some if I know the date of my 'death'. I will make sure it is never finished... that way, if I somehow do 'die', the bottle symbolising my life will not be finished.
... I should probably try and get over this complex and accept ageing and eventually death... but that is kind of giving up.
The whisky has now arrived. It is beautiful.. and still unopened.

I too have the Peter Pan syndrome as you probably know.. Someone called me 25 last year and I started crying!! hahaha